
purse love

I'm on the verge on an Etsy purchase from the totally fab DanishMade, Christina is kindly specially making me a purse similar to this one (already sold because i was too slow...) There's lots more cool stuff in her shop, definitely a favourite for me :)



stop everything and go....

Ok, maybe not so much inspirational but humourous!
First there was the popular Keep Calm and Carry On poster (which i never had...)
Then there was the For Like Ever poster (which i've always loved and now i've seen this colour i feel the need to buy...)

Now there is.....

Oh how i can relate to this. But oh my god, maybe not on my wall! Via Reclaiming Miss Haversham


living in sin

I have officially been kidnapped by all things boyfriend moving in related. The tenants are in! Lee and Sophie are in! Complete with hundreds of boxes in my house full of 'stuff' with potentially no homes, therefore my new obsession when i get some blog time back is.... STORAGE!! Oh my god storage storage storage, feeling mildly panicked.....
After a super quick flick on ebay i found this fab storage unit, but think i would need a new room just to put it in.....


miserable monday

It is finally THE week. The very last week of the never ending move. Things are feeling very stressed and the days really are disappearing, how was my last blog entry last wed?? We still have plenty to do and Lee is agonizing over giving Jay (his dog) away. He went to a new lady owner on Saturday so he would have more freedom and generally be happier but Lee is very heavy hearted with the guilt of giving his beloved Jay away. I feel awful.
Struggling to post inspiration feeling like this so just a handful of pictures.... (involving cushions...)

Via Design Sponge


ikea hack

I thought this was really cool, a standard ikea table top covered with vintage wallpaper and glass makes a whole new unique table. Love it, especially teamed with the green chair and so simple, definitely something to bear in mind.

Via ikea hacker


one more fabric

Another fabric i think i'll buy from kalena's studio! I'll make myself wait until the others arrive before i make my decision.... although i think it's already made ;)

It's very me !!


blythe family

These are gorgeous, i want one of these vintage blythe dolls so badly! Ideally i'd like at least 3 so i can display them properly in some retro display boxes. I've decided i'm going to put one on my birthday list in september and pretend i didn't know how expensive they are!!

Via flickr group blythe doll - family album


fabric makes me happy

Since receiving my g-plan chairs i have been continuously looking for (cheap) retro fabric to re-cover them, not had much luck with eBay but have found some cool designs on etsy. Loved the fabric so much anyway, even if it's not suitable for my chairs it will become cushions instead!

This is my main contender for the chairs going round my table from Kalena's Studio (only £4.10 for 18" x 22"!)

This i just loved too much not to buy from Thift Craft (only £5.29 for 55" x 60"!) Bedroom chair? Cushions? Both?

This i'm not sure about, really like it but not completely sure if i should purchase.... from electricbeaderella



beautiful butler

Amy Butler's home in Granville, Ohio. Best known for her fabric designs, Amy Butlers home must be one of my absolute favourites - i really really love these photos, lots of brown and greens, and bags of gorgeous style. I just have to keep looking at them! The Butler home has also been photographed by David Butler for their book - 'Amy Butler's Midwest Modern: A Fresh Design Spirit for the Modern Lifestyle'. Think i might just have to buy this one!


via mid-century modernist

parisien dream

I'm happy because i'm going to Paris! Admitedly not until December but i'm SO looking forward to it already, just me and Lee for a long weekend. This dreamy loft is located in the 20th arrondissement in Paris. Not my usual fetish of modern retro but i really like the natural colours, also the cool mix of chairs and love that lamp. The space feels very calm and maybe romantic...... ahhh


warm and cozy

Gorgeous neutral warm colours with a mid century Danish style. How much do i love that cushion!!

grooming gorgeous

Back to work today after a lovely long bank holiday weekend. I didn't find much time for blogging as i was busy painting fences & sheds at No 22, weeding my garden and.... um..... being sick from too much alcohol ;) The gorgeous weather brought all the garden fever out in me, i want to get the garden feeling like an 'outside room'. I'm imagining barbeques and lounging round in the sun with pimms..... mmmm
After my major garden obsession last year, i've already managed to get my patio laid and have pretty much decided on colour scheme.... pale stone/cream and dark brown (surprise surprise). Just need to decide on some more structural plants, and quite fancy some white peonies! I'm keeping my lawn but am loving these gardens from Charlotte Rowe Garden Design

And at night time.... the lighting makes it....


beauty in my home

I HAVE BEAUTIFUL CHAIRS IN MY HOUSE! Very pleased with my new g-plan chairs round my table, the room is full of Lee's moving boxes at the moment but am itching to clear it out so i can fully appreciate them. I have my own beautys! Now i just need to find the right fabric to recover them.
Loving these below. This looks stunning and i'd like some fabric very similar, white-ish background but less pink flowers and more green, orange or brown flowers.

Photo via bobble superlikee, lots more pictures of bobbles amazing home!