These swing seats are so cool. For as long as i can remember i've always wanted one, it seems to be such a US thing? Never ever seen one in the UK, but always see them at the front of the family home in american tv and films, and it's always where the deep and meaningful heart to heart conversation takes place!
Even if by some miracle i found one for my back garden where the hell would i hang it...!? I still want one!! (love the cushions too)
Well, Biba darling, you solve that problem by getting a stand-alone swing: http://www.homedepot.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&productId=100649312&N=10000003+90401+527093
although I have no clue if you can get them in the UK!
I've always envied these as well. it would be lovely to have one on the front porch so that friends and neighbours could stop by and chat whilst you swung serenely in the sunshine. Unfortunately being a Londoner I don't know my neighbours, all my friends live on the other side of the city and the sun is a rare visitor but one can dream...
Hey, did you by chance see one of these swings on high school musical 3 movie? Troy and gabriela sit on one pondering their future in this said movie and i was thinking 'i want one of these so i can ponder my future!' I have a five year old daughter so we have this movie on at least once a day! (i'm not really a saddo)
My grandmother had one! When I was little I felt like a Hollywoodstar sitting in her swing seat and sipping fresh pressed orange juice.
totally agree... something so romantic about them!
I want for my new garden too now! :)
Never had the privilege of living in a house with a porch swing... :-(
Jill - oooh think i may just have to look into that :)
Eden Rose - my boyfriends little 4 yr old girl is OBSESSED with high school musical, i've not seen it but may just have to watch it now... for her of course ;)
We have a Home Depot stand-alone swing sitting in a box in the garage! I must get it out before summer comes!
I think one reason porch swings are so common as the scene of a heart-to-heart talk or a romantic encounter is that the front porch is outside, away from the prying eyes of the family, but still close enough to be supervised. One wouldn't go off with a suitor alone back in the old days, you know!
I had one hanging on the front porch of my first rental house (1920's era), when I was 18-19. It was pretty neat, definitely has an "old-house" and neighborly feeling about it.
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