Lots of inspiration on this.........
sun is shining...
Lots of inspiration on this.........
tiny sneak peek
After - almost finished, just needs some pictures and wall lights! Can't find ANY wall lights i like. Tried to get the sloping ceiling in shot...
inspiration again
mid century inspiration returns

and so

And so i intend to return to my bubble :)
Below are a few updates for those mildy curious over the last few months....
(i know this blog is about the pictures and not me blah blah but hey - pictures WILL follow)
1. I wrote off my car (me ok, car not so much) and am now the proud owner of beautiful black new beetle (materialistic moi).
2. I have a kitten called Parker, he is stunning but naughty and loving all at once. How many kittens actually put their arms (front paws/legs) around you for a cuddle....really he does.
3. I have had an early mini mid life crisis and possibily have a split personality
4. I am actively learning french and, accidently, polish too
5. I am slightly insane and proud of it
6. I have purchased a posh new mini netbook for blogging and other timewasting activities
7. Oh i/we have found a big bad house and MAY be moving...
8. Most importantly, i am still an interiors junkie
Soooooooooo....a plus tard, Biba x x x
happy friday